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Brain Injuries

The aggressive trial lawyers of The Fass Law Firm represent clients who have suffered traumatic brain injuries (TBI) in Texas and New Mexico. Because the brain serves an integral role in communicating with each of the body’s systems, an injury to this highly sensitive organ can have a devastating impact on a person’s life. While some brain injuries may heal in time, others may have a lasting and possibly permanent impact on the victim.

Because any injury to the brain is a serious matter, it is vital that you contact an experienced attorney for help right away. Time is limited to take legal action, and your ability to pay for your treatment, therapy, lost wages and future earnings, and living assistance may depend on securing compensation from the party responsible for your injury. Don’t hesitate to reach out for help as soon as possible. At The Fass Law Firm our experienced brain injury attorneys are ready to sit down with you and your family, discuss your rights and legal options, and put our experience to work on your case.

Call our experienced brain injury lawyers today at (713) 697-5100 or online to schedule a free, confidential consultation.

Why Choose The Fass Law Firm?

The experienced lawyers at The Fass Law Firm understand how devastating and overwhelming the effects of brain injuries can be, not only on the victims but their families and communities as well. Our brain injury lawyers put their hard-earned legal knowledge and experience to work, with compassion and unmatched diligence at the forefront of our practice.

As much as we’d like all injuries to heal completely, this is not the case for everyone. When a brain injury presents ongoing complications or threatens the financial security of victims in Texas, we step in. Not only can satisfactory compensation provide financial relief to those affected but it can also help victims gain a sense of closure regarding their situation. Ultimately, every case is different, and our goal is to partner with victims to truly understand what they’ve been through, how their injuries have changed their lives, and what is needed to deal with these changes.

Brain Injuries

Brain injuries affect millions of people each year. Because a physical mark or scarring does not always accompany these injuries, many people experience the effects without even knowing they need medical attention. The human body is unable to withstand significant impacts without proper protections, and brain injuries are often caused when a victim experiences trauma to their head. This trauma can be caused by falling from a great height, withstanding the impact of a collision, or as the result of a heavy object falling on a victim.

Those who are at the greatest risk of brain injuries are people who work in high-risk occupations, such as manufacturing or construction. The nature of the work, which includes heavy and potentially dangerous machinery, often poses an inherent risk to everyone operating within those environments. The potential for serious injury places a higher burden on employers in these industries to take every precaution necessary to create as safe a workplace as possible. While some people are more susceptible to occupational brain injuries, they can happen to anyone.

Many brain injury victims either sustain a closed head injury or an injury that fractures the skull or other bones in the facial area. A traumatic brain injury or TBI is the most severe type of brain injury. Depending on the severity of a TBI, victims may face temporary impairment or symptoms that affect them for the rest of their lives. Both physical and mental symptoms commonly accompany TBIs.

Anyone who sustains serious impact to their head should be aware of the following physical symptoms:

  • Frequent headaches
  • Trouble speaking
  • Blurred vision
  • Hearing loss
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Inability to balance
  • Trouble sleeping

In addition to the physical signs, TBIs can alter the way that victims process thoughts and emotions. TBI victims may display the following mental and emotional symptoms:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Memory loss
  • Poor decision-making

Since these symptoms can be attributed to many different mental and physical conditions, it is essential to seek the help of an experienced doctor to evaluate your health. The sooner that you seek medical attention for a head injury, the likelier you are to make a recovery. TBIs can be classified as mild, moderate, and severe. Depending on the specifics of a patient’s case, the treatment will vary. In the aftermath of a severe injury, the healing process looks different for all patients.

Brain Injury Statistics

Since the brain is crucial to the body’s functioning, injuries affecting the brain pose a significant threat to the entire body. According to a report shared by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), TBIs are responsible for approximately 30 percent of all injury-related fatalities.

The organization reports that falls are the leading cause of TBIs. In 2013, falling incidents accounted for about 47 percent of all TBI hospital visits in 2013. Additional information shows that TBIs were responsible for about 2.8 million visits to the emergency department and was responsible for the deaths of nearly 50,000 patients.

The likely cause of a TBI varies depending on the age of the patient. Young children and patients over the age of 45 are more apt to sustain a severe head injury from falling, whereas patients from age 15 to 24 sustain TBIs when an object strikes them.

Frequently Asked Questions About TBIs

Following are some answers to commonly asked questions about traumatic brain injuries. If you have questions about your case, we’ll provide answers. Contact The Fass Law Firm at (713) 697-5100 today.

The treatment plan for TBI patients varies depending on the injury; however, some common treatment options are emergency medical intervention, surgery, medication to reduce swelling, or rehabilitation to improve coordination and motor function.

Those who are at the highest risk of TBIs are people over the age of 75. These patients were recorded to have visited the emergency rooms in the highest rates over the years. Falling is often the cause of head injuries to elderly patients.

The persistence of symptoms depends entirely upon an individual’s medical condition. For people who experience a mild concussion or more minor impacts, their condition will often improve within a matter of days or weeks. Unfortunately, serious incidents can leave some TBI patients in a coma or a vegetative state.

Contact a Brain Injury Lawyer for Help

Brain injuries present a lengthy list of complications to the victims and families that they affect. If you are experiencing the effects of a severe brain injury, you do not need to face your situation alone. A lawyer at The Fass Law Firm is ready to stand with you during this difficult time and help you recover the compensation that you need to move forward with your life.

The road to recovery can be exhausting, but with a team of compassionate, dedicated legal professionals to support you, you will be able to seek the resources that you need more easily. To discuss your situation with a member of our team, call us today at (713) 697-5100 or fill out an online contact form. The Fass Law Firm is licensed to practice in both Texas and New Mexico.

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Contact The Fass Law Firm
Today at (713) 697-5100