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Burn Injuries

If you’ve suffered a serious burn injury due to the reckless or careless actions of another person or party, the injury attorneys of The Fass Law Firm could help you seek financial compensation and a measure of justice. We have the experience, skill, and resources necessary to take on individuals, corporations, major insurance companies, or any entity that has caused you harm or denied you fair compensation for what you’ve been through. We fight for those who have been hurt in Texas and New Mexico, and we won’t rest until you get what you are owed.

We have witnessed the specific ways that severe burns can disrupt the lives of victims and their families. The medical expenses, physical pain, and time spent away from work can easily take a toll on the victims both physically, emotionally, and financially. Our skilled team puts our experience to work for you, making sure that you have the legal support that you need to obtain a favorable outcome in the form of a verdict or settlement.

If you’ve sustained a burn injury, don’t compromise when choosing your legal representation. Call us today at (713) 697-5100 or contact us online to discuss your situation with your lawyer and get started during a free consultation.

Do I Need a Burn Injury Lawyer?

In the aftermath of a burn injury, making sure that you get the medical care that you need is most important. The sooner you see a doctor and undergo treatment to address your specific condition, the smoother your path to healing will be. Unfortunately, the cost of high-quality medical treatment often creates a new set of stressors for burn injury victims.

Injury lawyers understand the tactics that defendants’ insurance companies use to delay or avoid paying for the damage that they have caused. With a lawyer overseeing and guiding your injury claim, you are far more likely to obtain a favorable legal and financial outcome.

Additionally, if you’re planning on filing an injury claim against the person or company that caused your burn injuries, the legal process can be time-consuming and overwhelming, especially if you’re undergoing medical treatment. Hiring an attorney to manage your case will allow you to focus solely on your recovery rather than putting spare mental energy toward your legal situation.

Severe burn injuries require most victims to miss work while they recover. Considering your initial and ongoing medical expenses, the prospect of losing wages can be incredibly stressful. If you’ve been injured in a workplace accident, your employer may offer workers’ compensation insurance to help cover the costs of your condition. A burn injury lawyer can help you determine the best course of action.

Why Choose The Fass Law Firm to Handle my Case?

The team at The Fass Law Firm champions injury victims because we are committed to helping people reclaim their lives and move forward. When injuries threaten to undo the financial security, physical stability, and quality of your family, we fight back. We understand how challenging finding the right lawyer can be. Our lawyers have years of experience working injury cases and lead with compassion and dedication for every client. We are confident in our experience, track record of successful verdicts and settlements, and our commitment to each and every client who hires us. If you need quality legal representation for a burn injury in Texas or New Mexico, we are the right firm for you.

Burn Injury Cases We Handle

Burns are incredibly common. Household appliances, potent cleaning products, and sun exposure are all common causes of burns. Fortunately, many everyday burn incidences can be effectively treated without visiting the doctor. Depending on the type of substance that causes the burn, the symptoms and healing process will differ. The following are different types of burns that victims may experience:

  • Friction burns — A friction burn occurs when the skin is rubbed against a hard or abrasive surface. Road rash and carpet burn are common examples of friction burns.
  • Chemical burns — Chemical burns occur when a material that is highly acidic or alkaline comes in contact with the skin. The longer the exposure to a concentrated chemical, the more serious the effects of the burn.
  • Electrical burns — These burns occur when an electrical current passes through the body. They can be as minor as a shock from a short-circuited appliance or as intense as a lightning strike.
  • Thermal burns — Contact with hot objects, surfaces, scalding hot liquids, and flames cause thermal burn injuries.
  • Radiation burns — Ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun in the form of sunburn is the cause of the most common type of radiation burns.

All burns are categorized according to their severity and further organized into degrees. The following are burn degrees and their corresponding treatments:

  • First-Degree Burns — Though first-degree burns can be painful, they are generally considered superficial, affecting only the top layer of skin called the epidermis. Initial symptoms are pain, redness, and swelling. As the skin heals, it is common for peeling to occur.
  • Second-Degree Burns — Second-degree burns affect the top two layers of skin (the epidermis and the dermis). In addition to the symptoms caused by first degree burns, blistering typically occurs with second-degree burns. It’s essential to clean the blisters correctly and regularly to avoid infection.
  • Third-Degree Burns — Also referred to as a full-thickness burn, these burns permeate the epidermis and dermis and affect the tissues below. Third-degree burns are severe and best treated by a physician. Victims of a third-degree burn may notice a charred, leathery, or waxy texture to their skin.

If you sustained a burn injury, contact The Fass Law Firm at (713) 697-5100 today to discuss your case with a burn injury lawyer in a free consultation.

Burn Injury Statistics

According to information from the Center for Disease Control (CDC), the United States has the fourth-highest number of fire-related deaths compared to other industrialized countries. The CDC also found that in 2000, based on the number of fire-related deaths and injuries, every two hours a civilian died in a fire and every 23 minutes a civilian sustained a burn-related injury.

Information provided by the National Safety Council finds that burns and fires are consistently a leading cause of injury and death in the United States, right behind car accidents, drowning, poisoning, falling, and suffocating. In 2017, nearly 3,000 people died from fire- or burn-related injuries. While the number of fatalities is lower than the early 2000s, it remains consistently around 1500 to 2000 deaths.

Frequently Asked Questions About Burn Injuries

We have provided answers to some frequently asked questions about burn injuries below. If you have questions about your case, call The Fass Law Firm at (713) 697-5100 today to discuss your case with a burn injury lawyer in a free consultation.

Expenses related to your injuries shouldn’t prevent you from hiring experienced representation, which is why the experienced lawyers at The Fass Law Firm work on a contingency basis; unless we are able to achieve a satisfactory settlement or outcome in court, we do not accept payment. When our lawyers win, we only take a percentage of the award and the rest goes to you.

If you’ve been seriously hurt because of the careless actions of another person, it’s best to file an injury claim as soon as possible. You may not be able to immediately focus on pursuing compensation if you’re receiving much-needed medical treatment, but in Texas, the time limitation or statute of limitations to file an injury claim is two years. This means that you need to take concrete steps toward the initial filing within this period or you may not be able to hold those accountable responsible.

The rule of nines calculates the total body surface area (TBSA) affected by a burn. First published by Dr. Alexander Wallace, this method assigns a percentage, each a multiple of nine, to the area of the body where a burn is apparent. The overall calculation of burn size helps physicians determine the patient’s treatment. The rule of nines breaks the body down into the following segments and percentages:

  • Arm (including the hand) — 9 percent each
  • Leg (including the foot) — 18 percent each
  • Head and neck — 9 percent
  • Anterior trunk (front of the body) — 18 percent
  • Posterior trunk (back of the body) — 18 percent
  • Genitalia — 1 percent

If a patient had severe burns to both of their arms, a doctor might estimate that 18 percent of their body was affected by a burn and then arrange for the proper treatment. According to the National Institutes of Health, if a second-degree or third-degree burn covers over 20-25 percent of the body’s total surface area, the victim is almost always going to require intravenous fluids to help compensate for the fluids they’ve lost. Additionally, burns that cover over 30 percent of the body have far more potential to be fatal.

Contact a Burn Injury Lawyer at The Fass Law Firm

Our experienced team of burn injury lawyers understands the physical and financial implications of burn injuries. If your burn injury was the result someone else’s negligence or recklessness, our lawyers want to speak with you. While no amount of compensation can undo the pain that you’ve endured, a fair verdict or settlement will ensure that the person responsible for the injury is made to pay for it. To speak with a member of our legal team about how we can help you, call our office today at (713) 697-5100 or fill out an online contact form. The initial consultation is free, and you won’t pay anything unless we get compensation for you. The Fass Law Firm is licensed to practice law in Texas and New Mexico.

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Contact The Fass Law Firm
Today at (713) 697-5100