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Dog Bites

Were you bitten by a dog? If so, the dog bite attorneys of The Fass Law Firm are ready to sit down with you and discuss your rights and legal options. You don’t have to pay out of pocket for the medical expenses and other costs associated with a vicious and unprovoked attack. Contact us right away to get help.

Despite dogs’ generally positive reputation as social and friendly animals, dog bites are far more common than many people think. Owners who fail to secure their pets are ultimately responsible for any harm that they cause others. Fortunately, all dog bites could be avoided if the owner took the proper precautions, such as having a leash, a gentle lead, or other types of restraints when other people or animals are around, or by keeping the dog secured behind a fence on their property. However, when the necessary safeguards are not taken and pets are not properly restrained or accounted for in public places, severe injuries to people nearby can result.

Being the victim of a dog bite or dog attack can leave you with a variety of life-altering complications. If you have been injured by a dog bite, you could be eligible to collect compensation to offset the physical and emotional trauma that you have experienced. The most efficient way to recover compensation for the harm that you’ve endured is to hire a capable attorney. While injuries can be overwhelming, between medical costs and recovery restrictions, a team of skilled attorneys can ease the burden by recovering resources to help you manage the expense of your injury.

The skilled team at The Fass Law Firm understands just how traumatizing a dog bite can be, and we help make sure that Texas victims are supported throughout their case. We have the experience, tenacity, and compassion to help you claim the resources that you need to move forward with your life. If a dog bite has caused your injuries, reach out to us today at (713) 697-5100 or online to learn how our lawyers can help you.

Do I Need a Dog Bite Lawyer?

Since dogs are beloved as family pets, it can be concerning to know how much physical harm they can cause to humans when they are triggered or upset. For this reason, if you are injured, you may be up against astronomical medical expenses for necessary treatment. Instead of filing an injury claim on your own, having a lawyer to back you up, oversee your case, and secure the best outcome will give you the time and energy that you need to focus solely on your recovery.

For some people, taking legal action is something that they’re not used to doing. It’s understandable that an injury victim would be hesitant to complicate their existing situation by bringing a lawyer into the fold. However, having a lawyer to handle your affairs often simplifies things. After you’ve been injured by a dog bite, you shouldn’t then be expected to become your own legal advisor.

Entrusting a skilled law firm with your case will help you obtain the best outcome with as little additional stress as possible. Those who fail to secure their pets in public spaces need to be held accountable for the danger that they have exposed others to. Taking legal action is often an effective way to ensure that pet owners don’t make the same mistake again.

Why Choose The Fass Law Firm to Handle My Case?

The lawyers at The Fass Law Firm have been a trusted legal resource in the community for years. We make it our business to fight for the interests of people who have been affected by injuries. Even minor injuries can be costly and inconvenient, so when people are harmed because of the negligence or carelessness of others, we step in.

Our team firmly believes that injury victims can move forward and live happy lives if they have access to the compensation that they need. Our dog bite lawyers consult with victims, learn how they have suffered and about the difficulties their injuries have created, and work to recover the resources that they deserve.

If you’ve been injured by a dog bite, compensation won’t heal your injuries or undo any emotional trauma that you’ve experienced, but it will ensure that you are financially equipped to seek the help that you need to make a meaningful recovery. We know that you have many choices when it comes to finding quality legal representation, and at The Fass Law Firm we put our diligence, compassion, and legal knowledge to work for each case to show our clients why they made the right decision in trusting our team.

Dog Bite Cases We Handle

Though most dogs are reasonably friendly and ready to play, certain events can precipitate attacks. In public settings, some animals are susceptible to certain stressors, which put them into a state of heightened awareness and defensiveness. Because pet owners can’t always predict how their dog will act in every setting, it’s important to keep animals safely restrained while on walks or in public settings.

Injuries associated with dog bites can range from minor to life-threatening. The size and physical strength of the dog and the victim will factor heavily into how serious the injuries are. The following are some commonly reported injuries:

  • Punctures
  • Lacerations
  • Nerve damage
  • Disfigurement
  • Permanent scarring
  • Eye injuries
  • Fractures and broken bones
  • Psychological and emotional trauma
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Rabies

The laws regarding dog bite injuries vary by state with some having more stringent dog bite laws under strict liability. Strict liability laws say that if the victim is not trespassing and does not provoke the dog and regardless of what the owner does to prevent the injury, if a dog bite occurs, the owner is liable for the incident.

However, in Texas, this is not the case. Rather than strict liability, Texas adheres to the one bite rule. The one bite rule indicates that to hold the dog’s owner responsible, the following two factors must have been present at the time of the incident:

The dog’s owner is aware of a previous occurrence when their dog bit or acted aggressively toward someone
The owner failed to control or prevent the bite and was, thus, negligent. This negligence is to blame for the injury.

Since proving negligence in Texas dog bite cases is more challenging than in states that don’t adhere to the one bite rule, it is wise to share your case with an experienced injury lawyer.

Texas Dog Bite Statistics

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 4.5 million dog bites occur annually. Of the wounds that these injuries cause, about 1 in 5 becomes infected. While a dog bite injury might seem manageable to some people, there is proof that dog bites are incredibly pricey to treat. In 2010, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality reported that the average cost for hospital stays related to dog bites is about $18,200. This figure is nearly double what other injury-related hospital visits cost.

Frequently Asked Questions About Dog Bites

If you’ve been bitten by a dog and sustained injuries, you likely have questions. The answers to some common questions are listed below, and we’re always available to answer questions about your specific case when you call The Fass Law Firm at (713) 697-5100.

If you have severe injuries from a dog bite, your medical provider will likely assign your wound a classification based on its severity. These classifications regarding wounds are referred to as stages. Wound stages range from stage one to stage four, with one being minor and four being severe. The severity of your injury will direct the course of treatment that you receive.

If you were trespassing at the time of the dog bite, you might not be eligible for compensation. Property owners legally owe a duty of care to those who are allowed on their premises. This duty of care is the legal obligation to maintain a safe property. If you are a trespasser, however, an owner has almost no obligation to extend protections to you. Any injuries you obtain as a trespasser, including a dog bite, will likely not be considered the owner’s responsibility.

Generally, you have two years from the date of the dog bite attack to file a lawsuit. Of course, it is a good idea to act as soon as possible. In many cases, a lawyer will investigate, considering the various factors involved in the incident. For this reason and to ensure that you get the compensation that you need as soon as possible, it is better to file sooner than later.

Contact a Dog Bite Lawyer to Fight for You

If you have been the victim of a dog bite in Texas, contact a capable team of injury lawyers to handle your case. Fighting for compensation is not always the convenient thing to do, but if you have been injured and are facing expenses because of someone else’s negligence, the team at The Fass Law Firm is ready to speak with you. Our lawyers have been a trusted name in the community for years, helping many injury victims achieve favorable legal outcomes. To discuss your situation with a lawyer and learn how we can potentially help you, call us today at (713) 697-5100 or fill out a contact form to schedule a free, confidential consultation with one of our dog bite lawyers.

The Fass Law Firm is licensed in both Texas and New Mexico.

Fayette County Courthouse
Contact The Fass Law Firm
Today at (713) 697-5100