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Spinal Cord Injuries

The spinal cord injury lawyers of The Fass Law Firm represent those who have suffered catastrophic injuries due to the negligent acts of others. We know just how devastating of an impact an injury to the spine and spinal cord can have on a person’s life, and we are committed to getting victims the justice and fair compensation they are due.

According to Johns Hopkins Medical Library, each year about 12,000 new patients are affected by spinal cord injuries. The spinal cord is the conduit through which the brain communicates signals to the rest of the body. An injury to the spinal cord creates an array of complicated issues that many patients live with for the rest of their lives.

If you have suffered a spinal injury, you may be facing extensive medical treatment, compromised mobility, and the inability to live your life as you had once planned. Being treated for a medical condition as serious as a spinal cord injury is mentally and emotionally taxing for most patients. Additionally, treating spinal cord injuries can carry a tremendous financial cost. If your injury was caused by the carelessness of another person, you should not be expected to foot the bill for any financial losses that you experience as a result. A skilled injury lawyer will fight your case and make sure that those responsible are held accountable for the damage that they have caused.

The Fass Law Firm serves the people of Texas and New Mexico when they have been the victim of someone else’s negligence. If someone’s mistake has left you seriously hurt, it is perfectly normal to feel overwhelming grief and anger. Our attorneys work to empower accident victims by helping them fight for the justice that they deserve. Though fair compensation won’t turn back the clock, a settlement commensurate with what you have been through could help ensure that you have access to the medical treatment, therapy, and financial support that you need to move forward with your life. Call us today at (713) 697-5100 or contact us online to schedule a free, confidential consultation.

Why Do I Need a Lawyer?

Since the spinal cord plays such a crucial role in the body’s nervous system, a serious injury to the spinal cord is a life-changing event. If you have been involved in an incident caused by someone else, you could benefit from taking legal action. An injury to the spine creates costs in medical care and potential financial dependence that many patients contend with for the rest of their lives. With the help of a lawyer, a patient can fight for the compensation that they need to manage their treatment, rehabilitation, and any additional services that they may need.

In some instances, severe damage to the spinal cord leaves some people completely paralyzed. When this occurs, the trajectory of their life is completely altered. In most cases, quadriplegic patients are unable to continue to work, and, thus, their entire financial future is compromised. Fighting for a fair legal outcome in these cases can help recover financial resources so that paralyzed patients can continue to support themselves.

Some people are hesitant to seek legal help because they are concerned that it will make what is already a difficult time that much more complicated. While this is understandable, the good news is that by entrusting your case to an experienced legal team you can rest assured that your affairs are being cared for while you undergo medical treatment. Many patients find solid legal representation to be an unlikely comfort in what is often a traumatic time.

Why Choose The Fass Law Firm to Handle My Case?

The Fass Law Firm is dedicated to achieving excellent outcomes for our clients. We have worked on a variety of cases over the years, and we know that people who reach out to us for help are often in the middle of incredibly challenging situations. Though asking for help is rarely easy, through our work ethic and the legal outcomes that we achieve, we aim to show people that they made the right decision choosing our firm.

Our team works with compassion and diligence to seek the truth and fight for justice. The unfortunate reality is that many injuries occur because of honest mistakes, and although those responsible often meant no harm, an injury can completely derail the lives of victims. For this reason, we stand with victims. If an injury has affected your finances, professional future, and the plans you had for your life, we want to help.

Spinal Cord Injuries

The spinal cord is comprised of 33 vertebrae which are categorized into five different regions, including the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal. Each vertebra performs an important function. Depending on the region of the spine that’s injured, accident victims will display a variety of symptoms. Regarding spinal cord injuries, there are two main injury classifications. They include:

Complete Injury — These injuries can occur at any level of the spinal column. Those who suffer complete injury have no feeling or function beneath the location of the spinal injury. Complete injuries are symmetrical in that they affect both sides of the body equally.

Incomplete Injury — Patients who suffer from incomplete injuries may still experience some feeling and movement capability beneath the injured area. These injuries do not affect both sides of the body symmetrically. Patients may have more feeling or mobility on one side of the body over the other. However, like complete injuries, incomplete injuries can also occur at any level of the spinal cord.

The type of injury will direct the course of medical treatment as well as the compensation victims may be able to recover. The symptoms of an injury to the spine vary depending on the severity and may include the following:

  • Diminished sensation in the lower body or limbs
  • Muscle spasms
  • Weakened limb muscles
  • Paralysis
  • Trouble breathing
  • Digestive issues
  • Incontinence
  • Heart rate irregularities

When accidents occur, the spine is vulnerable to unnatural bending and compressing, which are often at the root of many spinal injuries. Though injuries happen in a variety of ways, some commonly reported causes of spinal cord injuries include:

  • Birth injuries
  • Falling
  • Vehicle collisions
  • Pedestrian injuries
  • Sports injuries
  • Workplace injuries

No matter how an injury happens, if it was the fault of another party, the victim should not be expected to deal with their injury on their own. If you’re trying to manage the physical effects of a severe injury, a lawyer is ready to stand with you and fight for the resources that you need.

Spinal Injury Statistics

According to Johns Hopkins, in the United States alone there are about 250,000 people who live with spinal cord injuries. In recent years, the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center found that 81 percent of all spinal cord injury patients are men. As of 2017, the average age of spinal injury patients is 42, a considerable shift since the 1970s when the average age of injury was 29.

Additionally, the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center confirms that vehicle collisions are the leading cause of spinal cord injuries in the United States, followed by falling accidents, violence, and sports injuries.

Frequently Asked Questions About Spinal Cord Injuries

If you or someone you love has suffered a spinal cord injury, you have questions. Following are answers to some few frequently asked questions, and we’re available to answer questions specific to your case when you call us at (713) 697-5100 or contact us online.

Recovery and rehabilitation are possible for some patients depending on the severity of the injury. Other factors important to rehabilitation are the patient’s overall health as well as how much family or community support they have.

There are different types of rehabilitation programs tailored to each patient’s needs. Acute and subacute rehabilitation are focused care programs for injury victims whose healing benefits greatly from tailored and consistent attention. Additionally, long-term rehabilitation is beneficial for patients who need ongoing care to retain the functional mobility that they have achieved. There are also programs for transitional living as well as vocational rehabilitation.

In Texas, the law grants injury victims two years to file a claim. When you are injured, you are often immediately met with various expenses, so it is best to file as soon as possible. While you can file on your own, if you hire a lawyer, you will have the best chance of recovering the compensation that you need to cope with your condition. Injury lawyers work on a contingency basis, which means you don’t pay unless they can recover compensation for you.

Reach out to a Lawyer at The Fass Law Firm Today

If you are suffering from a spinal cord injury, you do not need to navigate your situation alone. A lawyer can be an essential guide for you as you recover from or learn to live with your injury. The team at The Fass Law Firm has worked for members of the community for years, putting injury victims and their families in the best possible legal position.

Even minor injuries can have a major impact on your finances and your life. If you are uncertain if you have a case, give us a call today at (713) 697-5100 or contact us online for a free evaluation of your case. We will listen to you, evaluate your situation, and discuss with you how we can help you move forward. We are licensed to represent injury victims in Texas and New Mexico.

Fayette County Courthouse
Contact The Fass Law Firm
Today at (713) 697-5100