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Truck Collisions

The sheer size and weight of commercial trucks make them a danger to other motorists and pedestrians. Accidents with large trucks often cause much more severe injuries that passenger vehicle accidents. Many of these injuries can be life-threatening or fatal.

If you or someone you love has suffered an injury or was killed in a truck accident in Texas or New Mexico, you may be entitled to financial compensation. The costs associated with truck accidents can be quite high; in addition to expensive medical bills for your treatment, you may also face the cost of therapy and lost wages. With the attorneys at The Fass Law Firm on your side, you may be able to recover those costs and more for other pain and suffering you have experienced.

Negligent drivers should be held accountable for their mistakes that endangered people’s lives and caused significant harm. And you should not have to be financially responsible for an accident that was not your fault. It’s smart to learn about your legal rights after a truck accident, but that can be overwhelming on your own. At The Fass Law Firm, it’s our job to know everything about the laws surrounding your injury so that we can fight for your rights on your behalf. To learn more about the details of your case, contact a truck accident lawyer at (713) 697-5100 today for a free consultation. You may also reach out to us via our online contact form.

Do I Need A Truck Accident Lawyer?

After a motor vehicle accident, many people turn to their auto and health insurance companies. No matter how low your deductible is, you are likely still responsible for substantial charges for an accident that could have been prevented were it not due to someone else’s negligence.

You can fight to get compensation for your pain and suffering on your own, but the laws surrounding liability for auto accidents can be quite complicated and daunting for people who are not experts on the subject. That’s where a good lawyer can help. Having a lawyer on your side means that your chances of receiving the full amount of financial compensation are much higher than if you were to try to fight your case on your own. Experienced Truck accident lawyers have a thorough knowledge of the applicable laws and experience with successful outcomes in situations like yours. A skilled attorney and can thoroughly investigate and strengthen your case, calling in experts when necessary.

Why Choose The Fass Law Firm?

At The Fass Law Firm, we understand how much a truck accident can impact your everyday life. You may have suffered a severe, debilitating injury that is keeping you from work, adding weeks of lost wages to the high cost of your mounting medical bills. You may need to go through physical rehabilitation to regain mobility or heal your injury, and all of which can come with a negative mental component as you deal with all the effects of your accident. Our truck accident lawyers can take some of the burdens from you; we want to help you get the financial compensation you are entitled. We will work tirelessly on your case to make it as strong as possible, fighting for your rights and working to hold the liable parties responsible for their negligence. We will treat you with the compassion you deserve because after you have suffered an injury, you should not have to shoulder the burden of a lawsuit on your own. Our experienced and dedicated attorneys will represent you while you can focus on the most important thing: your recovery.

Common Causes of Truck Accidents

Truck drivers are on the road for much longer stretches than the average driver. Many factors can cause them to lose focus or make a mistake, and that’s why laws dictate how long a driver can drive before taking a break.

Some of the common causes of truck accidents include but are not limited to:

  • Distracted driving: Distracted driving can occur when a driver is on a phone call, texting, reading, eating, or any other behavior that keeps the driver’s eyes off the road where they should be.
  • Fatigue: When truck drivers are on the road for long stretches of time, they must take a break for the safety of other motorists. However, strict delivery deadlines can cause them to ignore their duty, and they drive while fatigued, causing accidents that can lead to devastating injuries.
  • Failure to adjust to road conditions: Driving through several states, drivers can experience many weather changes that necessitate more care on the road.
  • Speeding or aggressive driving: Unlike other vehicles, the risk for speeding and aggressive driving behavior is much higher given a tractor-trailer’s vehicle size and weight.
  • Intoxication or impairment: If a truck driver is driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, they should not be on the road.

It is up to the driver to follow the laws surrounding their job, and they should know the risks involved if these laws are broken.

Truck Accident Statistics

In 2017, the Texas Department of Transportation released the following statistics on motor vehicle accident on Texas roads. The study shows that Houston’s roads are the most dangerous in the state and sheds light on how frequently injuries from auto collisions with truck drivers occur. Statewide:

  • 254,853 people were injured in traffic crashes
  • 17,546 people sustained a serious injury after a collision
  • Every 59 seconds, a reportable crash occurred
  • Roadway deaths occurred every two minutes four seconds with roadway injury occurring every 2.5 hours
  • There were no deathless days on Texas roads in 2017

Some of the information particular to Houston shows that:

  • In Harris County alone, there were 108,442 crashes and almost 45,000 injuries
  • 5,876 Harris county crashes involved commercial vehicles, which includes trucks and semitrailers

Driving on any road carries an inherent risk, but many of these crashes were due to driver negligence. You should not have to become a statistic because of someone else’s driving mistakes.

Frequently Asked Questions About Truck Accidents

After a truck accident, you’re bound to have questions. Following are answers to some of the most frequent questions we hear, and we’re available to discuss your case specifically when you call (713) 697-5100.

Because large trucks and many other commercial vehicles are so much larger and heavier than automobiles, they pose a serious risk to other drivers on the road. Some injuries a truck accident can lead to include bone fractures, damage to internal organs, spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, loss of limbs or amputations, and death.

Given the potential damage a large truck can cause, truck drivers should be aware of the responsibility they have. When accidents happen, they should be held accountable for their negligence.

 Depending on the facts and evidence surrounding your accident, anyone from the driver, their employer, a vehicle manufacturer, and anyone who is involved with vehicle maintenance can be held accountable for your injury. For example, if a driver was acting negligently on their own accord, they will be held liable. But if their employer hired them knowing they were not suited for the job or if the employer ignored requests for vehicle maintenance, then the employer could also be liable.

Information about the crash is a vital part of proving liability. If you are not seriously hurt, it’s always a good idea to take photos immediately after the accident. Police will collect the speed and braking data from the vehicle which can show whether the driver was engaging in reckless driving. Sometimes, special investigators are sent to the crash to determine if a mechanical failure caused the wreck, in which case the driver would not necessarily be liable. The trucking coming may also hire investigators and to try to prove that you were responsible, The Fass Law Firm is ready to defend you.

 When you are involved in a truck accident, first call 911 so that police and, if necessary, emergency medical responders can evaluate damages, take statements, and treat your injuries. Make sure to get the name and insurance information of the truck driver, but do not discuss details of the accident with the driver or admit to any fault without consulting a lawyer who can gather all the facts about your case. Give your officer a detailed description of your accident; the statement you make is useful evidence. Take pictures of the accident scene and get the contact information of any witnesses. Seek medical attention even for minor injuries, and keep all the records of the bills you incur. When you contact a lawyer from The Fass Law Firm, this information will be a strong foundation for your case.

Contact a Texas Truck Accident Attorney

If you or someone you care about has been injured in an accident with a truck or commercial vehicle, get the lawyers of The Fass Law Firm on your side immediately. You should not have to be financially responsible for someone else’s negligence, and they should be held accountable for their poor judgment. Call us at (713) 697-5100 or contact us online to discuss your case in a free consultation today.

Fayette County Courthouse
Contact The Fass Law Firm
Today at (713) 697-5100