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Wrongful Death

Losing a loved one due to the negligence or carelessness of another person can have a devastating impact on your life. In the wake of an unexpected loss, many people feel overwhelmed and unsure of how to move forward. Not only does the surviving family grapple with grief, but they may also be forced to contend with the financial instability created by the death of a family member. If you have lost a family member because of the carelessness or misconduct of another person, you may be able to hold them legally accountable for the damage that they have caused to your life.

The experienced wrongful death lawyers at The Fass Law Firm are ready to help you. We know how difficult it can be to reach out for help in the wake of a devastating loss. Our compassionate team focuses on handling the legal intricacies and administrative work of your case so that you can have the time and space that you need to grieve your loss. We want our clients to understand that when they choose us, they can trust that they are in capable hands.

Our lawyers understand the value of accessibility and communication, especially when families trust us after losing a loved one. While nothing can undo the loss that you have endured, collecting compensation for the damage that the death has caused your family can often provide some valuable relief. To take the first step and discuss your situation with a member of our team, call The Fass Law Firm today at (713) 697-5100 or contact us online.

Do I Need a Wrongful Death Attorney?

Following the death of a family member, the prospect of filing a lawsuit can seem overwhelming to some people, making a wrongful death claim seem more daunting than helpful. That feeling is completely understandable, but the truth is, with a capable team of lawyers behind you, there is much to be gained from pursuing a wrongful death claim.

Wrongful death cases are meant to help recover compensation for the surviving family members who face the full spectrum of negative impacts caused by their loved one’s death. In addition to helping bring about some fraction of closure and justice, wrongful death cases also have a practical function. In many instances, the loss of a family member puts the surviving members at a much higher risk of financial instability.

Medical treatment expenses, funeral and bereavement expenses, and lost income and support can all put a devastating strain on a family’s financial stability. Wrongful death law in Texas is nuanced and complicated, which is why you should be as selective as possible when looking for the right legal team. The assistance of experienced wrongful death lawyers is the best way to ensure that you will successfully recover the compensation most suitable for your situation.

Why Choose The Fass Law Firm?

The team at The Fass Law Firm has been representing Texas families for years and have gained our clients’ trust repeatedly with the results we have obtained on their behalf. Many of the people that call upon us for help are in the midst of difficult situations. Our lawyers know this and meet the occasion with compassion, understanding, and professionalism.

We know that when you are going through a challenging time, both emotionally and financially, your attention needs to be focused on your family, not your legal situation. For this reason, many people have trusted us with their cases. They know that they can count on our wrongful death attorneys to treat their cases with the respect, attention, and diligence that they deserve.

One of the hardest things about losing a family member is that when the dust settles, it can feel like everyone has moved on. Through our experience, our wrongful death team at The Fass Law Firm knows that grief looks different for every situation and every person. For some people, pursuing a wrongful death claim can be a useful part of the process, helping the surviving family cope with the loss of a loved one while fighting for justice.

Wrongful Death Cases

Though the statutes governing wrongful death cases vary by state, some elements are constant no matter where in the United States a wrongful death occurs. To successfully pursue a wrongful death claim, a few elements must apply to a case. First and foremost, someone must have died. Secondly, this death needs to have been caused by someone one else’s negligence or carelessness. Additionally, the death caused by negligence must have created a strain on the surviving family, financial or otherwise.

In order to prove negligence in a wrongful death case, the plaintiff or their lawyer must prove the following;

  • The victim was owed a duty of care — For example, if a driver is on the road, they should be cautious while operating a vehicle so that they don’t put others in harm’s way.
  • This duty of care was breached — By failing to pay attention or driving recklessly, a driver has failed to meet the standard of care to those nearby.
  • This breach caused the death — As a direct result of reckless driving, someone was fatally injured.
  • Death is the cause of damages — The fatality is responsible for financial and emotional costs to the deceased’s family.

The damages that may be awarded to the plaintiffs can vary widely. Depending on the particulars of any situation, they may include the following:

  • Pain and suffering the victim experienced
  • Expenses related to the deceased family member’s medical treatment
  • Loss of expected income
  • Loss of inheritance
  • Bereavement expenses
  • Loss of emotional support and companionship
  • Loss of consortium

When considering damages and how much will be awarded, the relationship of the remaining family members will be an important factor. Whether the surviving family is a spouse, parent, or child is an important indication of the dependence — emotional, financial, or otherwise — they had on the deceased.

Wrongful Death Statistics

According to the Texas Department of State Health Services, accidents are among the ten most common causes of death in the state, alongside a variety of serious diseases, health events, and crimes. Harris County is one of the most populous counties in Texas and, thus, has the highest number of accidental deaths in the state.

In 2014, the population of Harris County was about 4.453 million and 4.551 million in 2015 million people, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. The following are the numbers of accidental deaths for these years provided by Texas Health and Human Services.

  • 2014 – 1432 deaths caused by accidents
  • 2015 – 1491 deaths caused by accidents

Though not all accidents that occur are the result of someone else’s negligence, the data shows that many people lose their lives unexpectedly, and many of those cases may involve accidents caused by negligence or recklessness.

Frequently Asked Questions About Wrongful Death

Following is a list of answers to some frequently asked questions about wrongful death. For answers to your own questions, contact The Fass Law Firm at (713) 697-5100 to discuss your case in a free consultation.

If you are struggling both emotionally and financially with the loss of a loved one, the prospect of paying a lawyer can prevent you from considering legal action. The good news is that the team at The Fass Law Firm works on a contingency basis. We do not get paid unless we secure a favorable settlement or verdict for you. If we do receive a positive outcome, then our payment is only a percentage of the winnings.

Exemplary damages, also known as punitive damages, are meant to punish the responsible party. Typically, damages are collected to compensate the surviving family for something they have lost. However, exemplary damages are intended to deter the defendant from engaging in the behavior that caused the fatality.

If you have lost a loved one in Texas because of the negligence of another person, you have exactly two years from the date of death to file a wrongful death claim. There are some exceptions to this time limit that may allow families more time to file their claim. If a minor is a plaintiff in a case, they have two years from their 18th birthday to take action. The statute of limitations may also be extended if negligence is unknown for a period. For example, if a pharmaceutical is proven to be deadly five years after it kills someone, the surviving family may be granted time to file a wrongful death claim. For further information on restrictions that may apply to your case, get in touch with a lawyer.

Contact a Wrongful Death Lawyer Today

The team at The Fass Law Firm knows that making the decision to reach out for legal help isn’t an easy one. However, if you have lost a loved one in Texas or New Mexico due to the misconduct, carelessness, or recklessness of another person, you deserve justice. Consider contacting an experienced lawyer to discuss what your family could gain from pursuing a wrongful death claim. No matter the particulars of your situation, our lawyers are ready to listen to you and guide you. Call our office today at (713) 697-5100 to speak with a member of our team in a free consultation.

Fayette County Courthouse
Contact The Fass Law Firm
Today at (713) 697-5100